Historic jewellery and replicas of many ages

New Products
Celtic Ring With Face Depiction, SilverAs low as €85.00
Celtic Ring With Face Depiction, SilverAs low as €55.00
Celtic Ring Regensburg, SilberAs low as €89.00
Castor and Pollux Statuettes, Bronze
Starting at €125.00
Belt Hook Iron Age, Bronze€95.00
Replikate nach bekannten Epochen
Bronze Age
During the bronze age, the ancient world is captured by radical changes. Better tools and weapons lead to the rise of structures of power and reign as well as extensive trade relations all over the mediterranean world and beyond. Our replicas include both tools and jewellery from the tumulus bronze age up to the Urnfield period, about 2200 BC to 1200 BC.
In this category you will find jewelry and archeological replicas from the old Egypt. The most popular symbols include theAnkh as a symbol of life or the Scarab. Lesser-known amulets of gods like Horus, Hathor, Isis, and Osiris also belong to our range of faszinating amulets with the seals of King Tut Amun or Ramesses. The temporal range includes replicas of the old Kingdom to the Roman Empire, about 3000 BC to 300 AD.
Germanic Iron Age
The Germanic tribes of the iron age are characterized by an independent culture. Germanic Brooches (fibulae), belts and jewellery charms such as Donar clubs sometimes show the influence of roman imports, but often their own distinct style retains. Outstanding finds such as Berlock pendants are witnesses of a highly developed arts and crafts. Also bog finds like the Tollund man on the picture above provide valuable insights into the fascinating life and cult of the Teutons. Here you will find replicas of the pre-Roman iron age until the migration period 100 BC - 570 AD.
Celts and Gauls
The fascinating people of the Celts dominated the West European culture for many centuries. The awesome celtic jewelry still impresses with it's extravagant design. Mythological figures and ornaments characterize the look of celtic brooches and the celtic amulets, but also of equipment, belts or neckrings (torques). We do not create any modern fantasy jewellery, but high-quality reproductions and makeovers of real archaeological finds in our own workshop. All replicas are handcrafted, made from best and massive materials and functional like the originals were in ancient times. Our product range includes replicas of the La Tène culture up to the early Roman period, ca. 500 BC - 20 AD.
Roman Empire
The widest range of our collection comprises replicas of archaeological finds from the older and younger Roman Empire, approximately between 27 BC to 450 A.D. In addition to copies of jewelry from Pompeii, we offer functional reconstructed roman brooches (fibulae), pendants and legionary belts (cinguli). Replicas from other themes such as statues of deities, spoons or writing accessories complete our assortment.
Late Antiquity
After the imperial crisis in the 3rd century, which also resulted in the loss of large areas of rule on the Limes, the Roman Empire was fundamentally restructured by Emperor Diocletian after 284 AD with numerous reforms and the end of the principate.
Late antiquity is characterized by the migration of peoples, the Huns invasions and the dispute between the emperors in Rome and Constantinople.
A multi-faceted era extends up to the beginning of the early Middle Ages, enriching the Roman world with special forms of jewelry and impressive works of art with new inspirations from distant countries and cultures.
Early Middle Ages
After the fall of the Roman Empire, the christian kingdom of the Merovingian kings rises on the foundation of the ancient administrative structures. Outstanding archaeological finds such as gilded bow brooches (fibulae) or multi-part belt sets are ressurrected by our workshop. We offer replicas which cover the time between 450 and 750 AD.
Middle Ages
With the reign of Charlemagne, the Middle Ages began in Central Europe. The development of the feudalism system and chivalry mark an era that is also characterized by fanatical, Christian zeal. With the Enlightenment, the Reformation or the discovery of America, the modern age begins - depending on the definition.
In this section you will find medieval jewelry, Penannular Brooches, belt buckles and other replicas from the high to late Middle Ages and the time of the Crusades.
Viking jewelry - Anyone who associates the Vikings with brutal raids and a life determined by combat and war, will only recognize one, albeit important, facet of Nordic culture. They were also explorers, adventurers, founders of states and merchants who connected the cultures of the medieval world. The Viking jewelry is incredibly imaginative and mystical, for example covered with braided ribbon patterns, knobby-nosed mythical creatures in the Borre style or with dragon heads in the Jellinge style. Viking-age oval brooches, ring brooches and belt buckles are some of the outstanding products of Nordic handicrafts. Here you will find selected replicas of Viking age jewelry from the period between 793-1066 AD.